Introversion: A Characteristic That Can Be A Force At Work

Introversion, usually mistakenly equated with shyness, is a personality trait that is often judged pejoratively. It can be annoying in everyday life, however, in the professional world this characteristic can become an asset. What are the difficulties of introverts? What work environment can suit them? What are their qualities?

Differentiate introversion from shyness

The two concepts can be linked, but are quite distinct. Someone who is introverted doesn’t really like social situations, but still doesn’t feel uncomfortable. He needs to be alone to recharge his batteries, to motivate himself. A shy person is insecure and apprehends the gaze of others, is uncomfortable in society, especially when people are unknown to him.

Difficulties that may be encountered by an introverted person

An introverted person is likely to have certain difficulties at work, such as:

  • The team work  : indeed, it will need to work alone to relax and focus
  • The telephone  : she does not like unexpected phone calls, will be distracted and a telephone conversation requires direct answers. However, an introverted person prefers to think before acting. The phone does not give him this time to think.
  • The business trips  : Quiet and loneliness are needed to redo it full of energy. With business trips and seminars, it’s rather complicated to get away from it all and rest.
  • The maintenance of its network  : Being from others is not easy. Social networks can help him to keep in touch with his professional entourage. Little more: his calm and his ability to listen create a climate of confidence.
  • The Communication  : The speaking in public or not, is painful for her. Being in the center of attention, not being able to go into exile to rest… that can generate stress.

Work environment that can match introverts

Intimacy is essential for introverts, so that they can concentrate, boost their productivity and not feel like they are being watched. So calm also pleases them.

Individual and creative professions, where attention to detail is important, attract them more.

Being able to choose their work environment according to their needs is a plus. This is because their sensitivity to external stimuli such as noise and light is higher.

They can be good leaders. They are motivating, do not necessarily try to impose themselves, pay attention to others, to their ideas and give orders in a less direct tone.

They will probably feel more supported in an SME or small family business, than in a large company organized at several hierarchical levels. In addition, open-plan spaces are not their cup of tea.